3.2 samastajana kalyāṇe

समस्तजन कल्याणे
निरतं करुणामयम् ।
नमामि चिन्मयम् देवं
सद्गुरुं ब्रह्मविद्वरम् ॥

samastajana kalyāṇe
nirataṃ karuṇāmayam

namāmi cinmayam devaṃ
sadguruṃ brahmavidvaram

समस्त-जन-कल्याणे (samasta-janana-kalyāṇe) = in the welfare of all people
निरतं (nirataṃ) = to the one who is ever engaged
करुणामयम् (karuṇāmayam) = to the one who is full of compassion
चिन्मयम् (cinmayam) = to the one who is full of Consciousness
देवं (devaṃ) = to the Lord चिन्मयदेव (cinmayadeva) = स्वामी चिन्मयानन्द (svāmī cinmayānanda)
सद्गुरुम् (sadgurum) = to the noble teacher
ब्रह्मविद्-वरम् (brahmavid-varam) = to the great knower of Brahman
नमामि (namāmi) = I prostrate

Meaning: To the one who was always engaged in the welfare of all people; to the one who is ever engaged; to the one who is full of compassion; to the one who is full of Consciousness; to the Lord cinmayadeva (svāmī cinmayānanda); to the noble teacher; to the great knower of Brahman; I prostrate.

Credits: Courtesy Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya of Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF)
Image courtesy: Chinmaya Mission Kindergarten Balavihar’s Blog
P.S.: All errors / mistakes are my own