63. kṣaṇaṃ pratikṣaṇaṃ

क्षणं प्रतिक्षणं यन्नवं नवं,
तच्च सुन्दरं सच्च तच्छिवम् ।
वर्ष नूतनं ते शुभं मुदं,
उत्तरोत्तरं भवतु सिद्धिदम् ॥

kṣaṇaṃ pratikṣaṇaṃ yannavaṃ navaṃ,
tacca sundaraṃ sacca tacchivam

varṣa nūtanaṃ te śubhaṃ mudaṃ,
uttarottaraṃ bhavatu siddhidam

क्षणं प्रतिक्षणम् (kṣaṇaṃ pratikṣaṇam) = every moment
यत् नवं नवम् (yat navaṃ navam) = that which is new
तत् च सुन्दरम् (tat ca sundaram) = that alone is beautiful
सत् च तत् शिवम् (sat ca tat śivam) = that alone is real and auspicious
नूतनं वर्ष (nūtanaṃ varṣa) = new year
ते भवतु (te bhavatu) = may become for you
शुभम् (śubham) = divine
मुदम् (mudam) = joyful
उत्तरोत्तरं सिद्धिदम् (uttarottaraṃ siddhidam) = giver of more and more success

Meaning: Every moment that is new, that alone is beautiful; that alone is real and auspicious. May new year become divine and joyful and giver of more and more success for you.

Credits: Courtesy Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya of Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF)
Image courtesy: Flaticon
P.S.: All errors / mistakes are my own