11. yatra yatra raghunātha kīrtanaṃ

यत्र यत्र रघुनाथकीर्तनं
तत्र तत्र कृतमस्तकाञ्जलिम् ।
मारुतिं नमत राक्षसान्तकम् ॥

yatra yatra raghunāthakīrtanaṃ
tatra tatra kṛtamastakāñjalim ।
mārutiṃ namata rākṣasāntakam ॥

यत्र यत्र (yatra yatra) = Wherever
रघुनाथकीर्तनं (raghunāthakīrtanaṃ) = there is singing of the glory of Srī Rama
तत्र तत्र (tatra tatr) = there
कृतमस्तक-अञ्जलिम् (kṛtamastaka-añjalim) = with hands folded near head
बाष्पवारि-परिपूर्ण-लोचनं (bāṣpavāri-paripūrṇa-locanaṃ) = whose eyes are completely filled with tears
मारुतिं (mārutiṃ) = to the son of मरुत् (marut) (Vāyu devata)
राक्षस-अन्तकम् (rākṣasa-antakam) = to the destroyer of demons
नमतः (अस्मि) (namataḥ asmi) = I prostrate

Meaning: Wherever there is singing of the glory of Sri Rama, there (stands) with hands folded near head whose eyes are completely filled with tears, to that son of मरुत् (marut) (Vāyu devata), to the destroyer of demons, I prostrate.

Credits: Courtesy Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya of Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF)
Image courtesy: Bapu
P.S.: All errors / mistakes are my own