59. yena śuklīkṛtā haṃsāḥ

येन शुक्लीकृता हंसाः
शुकाश्च हरितीकृताः ।
मयूराश्चित्रिता येन
स ते वृत्तिं विधास्यति ॥

yena śuklīkṛtā haṃsāḥ
śukāśca haritīkṛtāḥ

mayūrāścitritā yena
sa te vṛttiṃ vidhāsyati

येन हंसाः शुक्लीकृता (yena haṃsāḥ śuklīkṛtā) = by whom swans are made white
शुकाः च हरितीकृताः (śukāḥ ca haritīkṛtāḥ ) = and parrots are made green
मयूराः चित्रिताः येन (mayūrāḥ citritāḥ yena) = by whom peacocks are painted
सः ते वृत्तिं विधास्यति (saḥ te vṛttiṃ vidhāsyati) = He will take care of you.

Meaning: Who made the swans white, parrots green and has painted the beautiful peacock, He will take care of you. Don’t worry!

Credits: Courtesy Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya of Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF)
Image courtesy: Flaticon
P.S.: All errors / mistakes are my own