74. nirdhanaścāpi kāmārthī

निर्धनश्चापि कामार्थी
दरिद्रः कलहप्रियः ।
मन्दशास्त्रो विवादार्थी
त्रिविधं मूर्खलक्षणम् ॥

nirdhanaścāpi kāmārthī
daridraḥ kalahapriyaḥ ।
mandaśāstro vivādārthī
trividhaṃ mūrkhalakṣaṇam ॥

निर्धनः च अपि कामार्थी (nirdhanaḥ ca api kāmārthī) = without money, yet having lots of desires for enjoyment
दरिद्रः कलहप्रियः (daridraḥ kalahapriyaḥ) = without power, yet loves quarreling
मन्दशास्त्रः विवादार्थी (mandaśāstraḥ vivādārthī) = slow in learning / study, yet desirous of debate
त्रिविधं मूर्खलक्षणम् (trividhaṃ mūrkhalakṣaṇam) = these three are the characteristics of a fool.

Meaning: There are three kinds of fools. One, who has lots of desires for enjoyment yet does not have money. One who loves quarreling yet has no power / strength. One who is slow in learning (in studies), yet desirous of debate.

Credits: Courtesy Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya of Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF)
Image courtesy: Flaticon
P.S.: All errors / mistakes are my own