तोत्रवेत्रैकपाणये ।
ज्ञानमुद्राय कृष्णाय
गीतामृतदुहे नमः ॥
totravetraikapāṇaye ।
jñānamudrāya kṛṣṇāya
gītāmṛtaduhe namaḥ ॥
नमः (अस्तु) (namaḥ) (astu) = may there be prostrations unto
प्रपन्नपारिजाताय (prapannapārijātāya) = to the one who fulfills wishes of the surrendered (devotees)
तोत्रवेत्र-एकपाणये (totravetra-ekapāṇaye) = to the one who is having a stick / cane in one hand
ज्ञानमुद्राय (jñānamudrāya) = to the one who is indicating posture of knowledge (with the other hand)
कृष्णाय (kṛṣṇāya) = to Lord Krishna
गीता-अमृत-दुहे (gītā-amṛta-duhe) = to the one who milked nectar of Gita
Hint: चतुर्थी विभक्ति (caturthī vibhakti) (Dative Case)
Meaning: May there be prostrations unto the one who fulfills wishes of the surrendered (devotees); to the one who is having a stick / cane in one hand; to the one who is indicating posture of knowledge (with the other hand); to Lord Krishna; to the one who milked nectar of Gita.
Source: From Gūḍārdhadīpika of Madhusūdhana Sarasvati, a commentary on Bhagavadgīta. This is one of 9+ ślokā-s traditionally recited in praise of Lord Kṛṣna and Maharśi Vyāsa before start of each time Bhagavadgīta pārāyaṇa is done.
Credits: Courtesy Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya of Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF).
Image courtesy: Unknown
P.S.: All errors / mistakes are my own