68. dānena pāṇirna tu kaṅkaṇena

दानेन पाणिर्न तु कङ्कणेन
स्नानेन सुद्धिर्न तु चन्दनेन ।
मानेन तृप्तिर्न तु भोजनेन
ज्ञानेन मुक्तिर्न तु पूजनेन ॥

dānena pāṇirna tu kaṅkaṇena
snānena suddhirna tu candanena

mānena tṛptirna tu bhojanena
jñānena muktirna tu pūjanena

दानेन पाणिः कङ्कणेन तु न (dānena pāṇiḥ kaṅkaṇena tu na) = hand (becomes beautiful) by charity and not by bangles
स्नानेन सुद्धिः चन्दनेन तु न (snānena suddhiḥ candanena tu na) = purity (is gained) by bath and not by (wearing garland of / applying paste of) sandalwood
मानेन तृप्तिः भोजनेन तु न (mānena tṛptiḥ bhojanena tu na) = (real) contentment (comes) by respect and not by food / eating
ज्ञानेन मुक्तिः पूजनेन तु न (jñānena muktiḥ pūjanena tu na) = realisation (is gained) by knowledge and not by worship / fame.

Meaning: Hand (becomes beautiful) by charity and not by bangles; purity (is gained) by bath and not by (wearing garland of / applying paste of) sandalwood; (real) contentment (comes) by respect and not by food / eating; realisation (is gained) by knowledge and not by worship / fame.

Credits: Courtesy Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya of Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF)
Image courtesy: Flaticon
P.S.: All errors / mistakes are my own