67. kṛtajñata

कृतज्ञता या च हृदि स्थिता मे,
वक्तुं न शक्या खलु यत्नतोऽपि ।
गुरो प्रसीद कृपया विधेहि,
त्वत्पादभक्तिं परमानुरक्तिम् ॥
पूज्य गुरुजी स्वामी तेजोमयानन्द जी

kṛtajñatā yā ca hṛdi sthitā me,
vaktuṃ na śakyā khalu yatnato’pi

guro prasīda kṛpayā vidhehi,
tvatpādabhaktiṃ paramānuraktim

pūjya gurujī svāmī tejomayānanda jī

या कृतज्ञता मे हृदि स्थिता (yā kṛtajñatā me hṛdi sthitā) = the gratitude that fills my heart
यत्नतः अपि (yatnataḥ api) = even after efforts
खलु (khalu) = indeed
वक्तुं न शक्या (vaktuṃ na śakyā) = is not possible to tell (express)
गुरो प्रसीद (guro prasīda) = O Guru! be pleased
कृपया विधेहि (kṛpayā vidhehi) = Please grant me
त्वत्पादभक्तिं (tvatpādabhaktiṃ) = devotion at your (lotus) feet
परमानुरक्तिम् (paramānuraktim) = supreme Love or love for the Supreme.

Meaning: Indeed, in spite of my best efforts, it is not possible for me to tell (express) how much gratitude my heart is filled with for you. O Guru! Please grant me devotion at your (lotus) feet and supreme Love (love for the Supreme).

Credits: Courtesy Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya of Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF)
Image courtesy: Flaticon
P.S.: All errors / mistakes are my own