72. nityaṃ krodhāttapo rakṣet

नित्यं क्रोधात्तपो रक्षेत्
धर्मं रक्षेच्च मत्सरात् ।
विद्यां मानापमानाभ्याम्
आत्मानं तु प्रमादत्ः ॥

nityaṃ krodhāttapo rakṣet
dharmaṃ rakṣecca matsarāt ।
vidyāṃ mānāpamānābhyām
ātmānaṃ tu pramādatḥ ॥

नित्यम् (nityam) = always
तपः क्रोधात् रक्षेत् (tapaḥ krodhāt rakṣet) = protect penance from anger
धर्मं च मत्सरात् रक्षेत् (dharmaṃ ca matsarāt rakṣet) = and protect goodness from jealousy
विद्यां मनापमानाभ्यां (रक्षेत्) (vidyāṃ manāpamānābhyāṃ (rakṣet)) = (protect) knowledge from respect and disrespect
आत्मानं तु प्रमादतः (रक्षेत्) (ātmānaṃ tu pramādataḥ (rakṣet)) = and (protect) oneself from inadvertence / carelessness / laziness.

Meaning: Always protect penance from anger; and protect goodness from jealousy; knowledge from respect and disrespect. One should protect oneself from inadvertence / carelessness / laziness.

Through this subhāṣita the author cautions about the doṣa-s (faults) these virtues viz., penance; righteousness (goodness); knowledge, if not protected consciously and continuously.

Credits: Courtesy Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya of Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF)
Image courtesy: Flaticon
P.S.: All errors / mistakes are my own