46. bhāṣyakāraṃ patañjaliṃ

भाष्यकारं पतञ्जलिं
वाक्यकारं वररुचिम् ।
पाणिनिं सूत्रकारम् च
सदा वन्दे मुनित्रयम् ॥

bhāṣyakāraṃ patañjaliṃ
vākyakāraṃ vararucim

pāṇiniṃ sūtrakāram ca
sadā vande munitrayam

(अहं) मुनित्रयं सदा वन्दे ((ahaṃ) munitrayaṃ sadā vande) = (I) always salute the three muni-s
सूत्रकारं पाणिनिम् (sūtrakāraṃ pāṇinim) = Panini, the creator of aphorisms
वाक्यकारं / वृत्तिकारं वररुचिम् (vākyakāraṃ / vṛttikāraṃ vararucim) = Vararuchi, the editor
भाष्यकारं पतञ्जलिम् (bhāṣyakāraṃ patañjalim) = Patanjali, the commentator.

Meaning: I always salute the three muni-s; Panini, the creator of aphorisms, Vararuchi, the editor and Patanjali, the commentator.

Credits: Courtesy Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya of Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF)
Image courtesy: Department of Posts (GOI)
P.S.: All errors / mistakes are my own