What do the Vedās teach us?

प्रत्यक्षेणानुमित्या वा यस्तूपायो न बुध्यते ।
एनं विदन्ति वेदेन तस्माद् वेदस्य वेदता ॥

pratyakṣeṇānumityā vā yastūpāyo na budhyate ।
enaṃ vidanti vedena tasmād vedasya vedatā ॥

Knowledge of the ultimate ‘tattva‘ (essence / subject) which cannot be obtained by various pramāṇa-s (evidences or criteria of truth) like (1) direct perception (pratyakṣa) (2) inference (anumāna) (3) presumption (arthāpatti) (4) comparison (upamāna) (5) negation (anupalabdhi) can only be obtained through the Vedas.

This is the true nature of the Vedas, also known as the sixth (6) śabda pramāṇa.

The draṣṭa-s (seers) enjoin that the Vedas always exit in the womb of the para chaitanya (supreme consciousness). Through the medium of accomplished sages endowed with sophisticated consciousness, this knowledge comes to light in every Kalpa. At the end of each cycle of the age, they are absorbed into the consciousness again.

Vedas have two components. (1) karma kāṃḍa (samhita-s, brahmaṇa-s, araṇyakam-s) helps achieve dharma puruṣārdha through pravṛtti mārga) (2) jñāna kāṃḍa (upaniśad-s) helps achieve mokṣa puruṣārdha through nivṛtti mārga.

Image courtesy: Flaticon
P.S.: All errors / mistakes are my own