38. kartā kārayitā

कर्ता कारयिता चैव
प्रेरकश्चानुमोदकः ।
सुकृते दुष्कृते चैव
चत्वारः समभागिनः ॥

kartā kārayitā caiva

sukṛte duṣkṛte caiva
catvāraḥ samabhāginaḥ

सुकृते दुष्कृते च एव (sukṛte duṣkṛte ca eva) = in a good action or a bad action
चत्वारः समभागिनः (catvāraḥ samabhāginaḥ) = these four have equal share
कर्ता (kartā) = doer / executor
कारयिता (kārayitā) = prompter (who get the action done)
च एव (ca eva) = and also
प्रेरकः (prerakaḥ) = stimulator
च (ca) = and
अनुमोदकः (anumodakaḥ) = supporter / who allows

Meaning: In a good action or a bad action, these four have equal share; the doer / executor, the prompter, the simulator and the supporter.

Credits: Courtesy Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya of Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF)
Image courtesy: flaticon
P.S.: All errors / mistakes are my own