37. kanyā varayate rūpaṃ

कन्या वरयते रूपं
माता वित्तं पिता श्रुतम् ।
बान्धव्याः कुलमिच्छन्ति
मिष्टान्नमितरे जनाः ॥

kanyā varayate rūpaṃ
mātā vittaṃ pitā śrutam

bāndhavyāḥ kulamicchanti
miṣṭānnamitare janāḥ

कन्या रूपं वरयते (kanyā rūpaṃ varayate) = girl (bride) chooses appearance (of the groom)
माता वित्तं (mātā vittaṃ) = mother (chooses) wealth (of the groom)
पिता श्रुतम् (pitā śrutam) = father (chooses) reputation (of the groom)
बान्धव्याः कुलम इच्छन्ति (bāndhavyāḥ kulama icchanti) = relatives look for family
इतरे जनाः मिष्टान्नम् (itare janāḥ miṣṭānnama) = other people (look for) tasty food (at the wedding)

Meaning: In marriage, bride chooses appearance; mother – wealth; father – reputation; relatives look for family / lineage. Other people look for tasty food (at the wedding).

Credits: Courtesy Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya of Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF)
Image courtesy: Bapu
P.S.: All errors / mistakes are my own