41. cakṣuṣā manasā vācā

चक्षुषा मनसा वाचा
कर्मणा च चतुर्विधम् ।
प्रसादयति यो लोकं
तं लोकोऽनुप्रसीदति ॥

cakṣuṣā manasā vācā
karmaṇā ca caturvidham

prasādayati yo lokaṃ
taṃ loko’nuprasīdati

चक्षुषा (cakṣuṣā) = with eyes
मनसा (manasā) = with mind / thoughts
वाचा (vācā) = with speech / words
कर्मणा (karmaṇā) = with actions
च (ca) = and
चतुर्विधम् (caturvidham) = in four ways
यः लोकं प्रसादयति (yaḥ lokaṃ prasādayati) = one who propitiates world
लोकः तम् अनुप्रसीदति (lokaḥ tam anuprasīdati) = the world, in turn, blesses him

Meaning: One who propitiates the world / people in four ways, with his look, thoughts, speech and actions, to him the world, in turn blesses.

Credits: Courtesy Brahmachari Ved Chaitanya of Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF)
Image courtesy: flaticon
P.S.: All errors / mistakes are my own